Monday, March 28, 2011

Usagi Yukata

Earlier this month I wore my usagi yukata to the Shambhala Day Gala. Usagi is rabbit, yukata is a summer kimono. I plan to be wearing this yukata a lot because its the year of the Iron Rabbit. I didn't get photos that did it justice on Shambhala Day but I did yesterday. In Japan its not... proper to wear it until usually May but I'm in Texas and it was 90 degrees yesterday, so exceptions can be made with climate! I wore it yesterday because I was attending an anime convention at Our Lady of the Lake University. I'm part of the San Antonio College Japanese club and the club was selling various Japanese food to raise money.

In the picture I'm sitting next to my friend who is also the President of the Japanese club. I find very amusing that my best photo in this yukata was when I was feeling really icky from allergies and almost didn't attend the convention!

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