Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Japan Support going Strong if silent!

Sometimes I wonder if people in my area are really giving the tsunami disaster attention now that media is turning most of the attention on Libya. But at Mizuumi-Con Saturday I saw many jars and boxes with donations for Japan, and the local Japanese Association, JASSA, was doing a sale of Japanese items to raise money. My Japanese teacher told me they plan to do a similar sale at all the public colleges and University campuses, which is a total of ten if they're able to go to all of them! I also see signs and ways for people to donate. This brightens my spirit, so while its not being talked about people are not forgetting about Japan. As a college student I can't give much in funds but I'm bringing Japan attention in different ways. I took my dog Yoko to a Fiesta Fido and Fashion Show Sunday that was to raise money for the local Humane Society, she wore a doggie yukata I bought for her when I visit Japan in 09. We're going to attend another Fiesta dog event on the 9th, this time I'll be wearing my yukata too! Someone might argue it doesn't really go with Fiesta, but yukata are usually worn during summer festivals and here in Texas its already hot as summer on some days! Plus, Fiesta was original a festival but now is much more here in San Antonio.

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