Saturday, January 29, 2011


A few days ago I put a Coexist decal on the back of my car. I've been wanting one for years and I received  one for Christmas and I'm just now getting around to putting it on. Well, a friend on facebook was apparently snobby about it. He is a very strong Christian and was like, "I don't understand the whole coexist thing". We've been going tit for tack for two days now, he saying it is not possible to respect someone else religion or way of life if its not 'Christian'. Amazingly I haven't lost my temper, something I want to do. I keep thinking about the Shambhala teaching from the center and while I rebuke him I'm also being gentle with my words and providing a point. I didn't know until I posted the picture I took how pretty the coexist came out, the reflection of the trees and the blue sky. So I will share here too! If only I wasn't in the reflection... lol


  1. Hi Lori, Yoko & Mika!

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog recently and all your lovely comments! I have been trying to find out more about you on your human's blog but I can't! Can you tell me more about yourself, Yoko? what kind of doggie are you? How old are you? and Mika too? Maybe your human can do a post introducing you? I think us animals embody the Shambalah philosophy naturally! :-)

    Honey the Great Dane

  2. I'm an English Pointer! Though I am a runt a short for my breed and I don't have the box head either, I have a pretty oval. My human has a Live Journal where she posts all her life, me, and Mika. She uses this blog to talk about her Shambhala stuff. Mika is a weird cat with an amazing story, I don't know what to make of her most of the time. She was abandoned de-clawed out in the country side in north Texas years ago, my human's friends' moved out onto the property Mika was living on. Mika was shy and curious and was coming around and ignoring their great dane Sephria and their dachshund Rusty like no big deal when my human visited her friends. She eventually adopted Mika when Mika was 'rehabilitated' into being a more inside cat, though Mika still prefers to be outside. Mika is now so well behaved with humas my human wants to make her a therapy pet but she doesn't like halters that therapy cats are required to have. My owner is slowly trying to train her to be halter trained but I'm not sure how that will go. Mika is stubborn but smart, she lived through a tornado and and ice storm before my human adopted her. She also lived off mice, rabbits, and birds even though she doesn't have claws in her front paws!

