Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stress, pressue, and relatives...

I wish I had happy things to write about, but sadly not so. The last few weeks have been a burrow of sad news. My literature teacher's father passed away. A friend in the sanga was in the hospital for almost a week because of his appendix and then his mother passed away the day after he got out of the hospital. School finals are in two weeks and I don't know how I'm going to get 4 papers done by next Friday and ready for my exams the following week. I have a test I haven't studied for tomorrow. I need to find a summer job soon. My car door that had to be replaced two years ago from an accident is acting up and won't lock or unlock without a lot of hassle, I had to actually crawl out of my car once already so it would stay locked when I left it. I am having problems with my relatives again. Oi.... I can't even relax while trying to sit and meditate.

The year of the rabbit is really not being a good year for me at all. :(

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